Loudness Radar

Creating clean, clear audio that doesn’t peak is an essential step in creating any content with an audio component. Audio is usually the last thing video creators think about in the post production process but often the first thing viewers will notice. The Loudness Radar (in Premiere) is one tool which can help accurately measure the loudness of your audio, and it also looks really cool in your workspace! What makes this different from the audio meter that you all know and love is that the loudness radar shows the average over time and continues to show us the levels we already hear. While the audio meter only shows us the maximum audio level at that moment in time.


  1. The number in the bottom right corner is the project's average audio loudness.

  2. For web content you want to set your Target Loudness to -16 LKFS, then play through your sequence and adjust the levels until they sit in that range.

  3. Set your volume levels carefully, once a few audio clips are imported you can adjust them separately.