5 Tips for Work From Home

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has many people turned upside down when it comes to working from home and if you're one of these people you are part of a small, lucky group. So far only one in four Americans can currently work from home which will hopefully change in time as we get more accustomed to what is going on in the world. But for the people that have already started working from home you will notice that it can be more difficult than you think. Here are a couple things to keep in mind to be productive, motivated, and get the most out of your day from home.



This is a simple one but easily overlooked. Setting a schedule similar to your normal work hours can greatly improve your productivity and time management. Even if you don't have to keep the same hours you did when you were going into work, try to have some kind of regular routine of going to sleep, waking up, working, getting exercise, relaxing, etc.


One benefit to working from home is you have more control over the environment which might help you focus better than working at the office. On the other hand you might start to feel cut off from everyone after a certain point in time. So we started using apps like Slack on a daily basis to stay connected and to communicate efficiently with the whole team. Also planning a time to set up a meeting with the team/co-workers to check in should be a part of everyone's daily schedule. For example, We use Google Meet every morning to get on a group video chat and clearly communicate with the team what tasks each of us are doing for that day. This will help to create less confusion so you can ask questions and adjust priorities.



Take a walk, do some stretches and get outside. Get up every hour to take some deep breaths and walk around the house and stretch. Just a few minutes of this everyday can greatly improve your productivity and overall mood at the end of the day. There are also numerous apps available to remind you to take a step back from your computer and get moving like Nike Training Club, Seven, Hiking Project, and Pear. Be active daily and you will be amazed how good it feels.



Create a proper work space so that when you need a place to focus you have it. Try getting creative and move things around. Repurpose old furniture because after a while your kitchen table is going to get old. Let people know when you need your time to get work done and you can’t be disturbed as if you were at the office. So set aside a space for work, minimize distractions and you might find yourself getting a boost in focus and productivity. Also if your having trouble finding your spot we found this site Establishing Your Home Workspace that goes more in depth.


Set goals every day that you can accomplish and share them with your team. What time do you want to turn off for the day? What tasks will you complete and which will you snooze until tomorrow? Setting these daily goals to shoot for can help build motivation and can also be a rewarding feeling at the end of the day. Something even better can be setting these daily goals as a team through a video conference or a messaging app.


Be flexible, know when to step back and take a break and when you need to get outside or just take a breath. Try setting a regular routine you can stick to when you know you're most productive. Stay connected with your co-workers and team. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and don’t forget to give help when needed. Take an hour out of your day and get outside, be active and go on a walk or a run. Take care of your own well being through this time and stay productive and healthy.