How Outsourced Video Editing Works to Your Advantage

Every Business Needs Video

The way that people use the internet and search for things has changed. YouTube has become the second largest search engine, and video sharing has become a critical way to communicate. That makes the demand for quality video content higher than ever. Video creators across the world are looking for ways to streamline their creative processes, which allows them to get more content in front of their audiences faster.

One of the best ways to do that is to work with an outsourced video production company that can handle all of your editing for you. Take a look at how the specialists at Partners in Post can help!

Use Your Time More Efficiently

There’s no denying that editing takes time. A lot of time. More than just cutting and rearranging clips, correcting audio and sound, there’s also the time and labor spent learning the editing software and all of its nuances and eccentricities. 

For many videographers and filmmakers, their talents and passions lie in the recording process itself. Lining up the right shot, changing the lighting, and directing the cast is where their interests lie. The editing process might not be a great use of your time. By working with an outsourced post-production company, you can spend more time filming and less time editing. This allows you to move on to new projects more aggressively, or develop tighter deadlines for your existing projects. 


Part of the creative process is, of course, getting creative with your budget. The fact is, even the biggest of producers are operating with a smaller budget than they’d like. Fortunately, you can get the most out of your budget and still get great results when you work with an outsourced post-production company. 

Rather than hiring and maintaining an entire team of video editors, as well as paying for the equipment, software, and coffee needed to get the work done, you get all of these things and more for less when you work with a post-production company. You can rest assured knowing that you’re getting a great value for the money, because your video editing partner has it in their best interest to hire talented and passionate people from the get-go. 

Of course, when you lower your upfront costs on your video projects, it means you bring more in with each completed project. Simply said, outsourcing your video editing can not only save you money upfront, but help you make more in the long-run.

Partners in Post Outsourced Video Editing and Animation

Another Set of Eyes on Your Project

We get it. Some times, no one else can quite share your artistic vision, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t let anyone else help you bring your project to fruition. Getting a new perspective on your work can be a truly valuable asset to the end result, especially when your editor is outside of the project. Our team of video editors can act as a sounding board for your ideas, helping you shape your ideas into a presentable work that’s sure to wow your audience. The right editor can take your raw footage, and help arrange it to communicate the messages and values within it. 

The Latest and Greatest Techniques

Just like every field, video editing is always changing. New software becomes available, new techniques are pioneered, and new stylistic choices become popular. Rather than trying to keep track of all of these changes, why not let a team of professionals do it for you? Our team lives and breathes video production, ensuring that we’re staying up-to-date on the latest and greatest in our field and utilizing them to your benefit. 

Scaled to Meet Your Demands

Constantly ramping up your video production schedule can tax even the most dedicated of in-house editing teams. But when you’re starting to produce more content and faster, it isn’t always realistic for your team to keep up. Rather than stymying your workflow, working with an outsourced production company allows you to make content on your own schedule. This separate team can work alongside you, editing and refining videos nearly as fast as you can make them. It’s one of the reasons we offer our unlimited video editing packages!

Reuse and Recycle Your Video Content

You might spend hours getting enough footage for a simple three minute long YouTube video. You could have countless shots and scenes that never make it into the final product just sitting in a hard drive somewhere. With the help of a post-production company, you can put these assets to good use by reusing and recycling them into dozens of other deliverables. Our company has a video strategist that can help you create valuable materials like bumper ads that run in front of other videos, cut shows to display on websites, behind-the-scenes clips for social media outlets, and so much more. Your video assets can be used in a nearly endless number of ways when you have the creative talents of a professional editor working with you.

Partners in Post is Here to Help

Here at Partners in Post, our team of experienced editors is here to help make your next video project the best one yet. We can help you with more than just your post-production needs. From creative development to project management, video strategy and storage, we can help you along every step of the creative process. We even offer specialty services like animation creation, and color & sound correction. Finally, we can help track the performance of your video and find new ways to implement it in your ad campaigns.

Partners in Post is your full-service video production agency. Contact us today and ask about your free consultation!