5 Tips: finding the right creative agency for Your Next Project


As you wrap up the last day of filming on your latest project, you reflect back on what went well, what was challenging, and what exceeded your expectations. But in the back of your mind, you know the post production process (the editing, animation, sound design, and color correction, localization and version control) is just beginning.

What if you could take that entire process off your plate, or at least a big portion of it, tomorrow by working with a professional post-production agency? If you’re new to the idea of working with an outside company for your editing needs, you might not be sure where to start your search. Well, Google, of course, but searching for something like “video production services” or “video editing agency” is sure to yield hundreds, if not thousands of results. So how do you filter through your options to find the right one?

Here at Partners in Post, we know a thing or two about great video production work, so we thought we’d put together a quick guide on finding the right video production company for your next project. 

1 - They’ve Got an impressive Portfolio of Work

At a certain point in your career, you can’t waste time and resources with people who don’t have years of experience doing exactly what you need. If someone is pitching you a project or a service, they have to show years of experience backing it up.

The same goes for a video editing company. Look, anyone can get online and say that they’re the best in the business and promise incredible results. But, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. Reputable video editors are more than willing to let their work speak for itself, and have a wide portfolio of work that showcases their talents, techniques, and their attention to detail. It’s in your best interest to look over these pieces more than once. A portfolio is the most obvious way of showing what the editing company is capable of, and you’ll want to be sure that their skills meet your needs.

2 - They’re Clear About Pricing

It’s sometimes difficult to talk about the costs of a project, but having a clear set of prices for projects makes everyone's lives easier. The right creative agency not only knows the value of their time and work but of yours as well. This means that they’ll offer you a precise price quote for each project as it’s presented to them, rather than slapping a “one price fits all” type fee structure on it. They’ll also have a plan to account for things like additional editing and revisions. 

The clearer the pricing model is, the fewer questions you’ll have when your bill comes in. Ideally, the video editing service will offer you a line-by-line cost sheet that outlines what was done and for how much. 

3 - They Work With Brands You Know and Trust

Partners in Post

If you keep hearing about a certain video production company from your colleagues or industry experts, it’s probably for good reason. Companies with clearly developed brand identities have to find a creative partner who is intimately familiar with every aspect of the brand. These aspects have to be present in the editing to ensure that the company’s video assets express their values and messages. Anything less, and the resulting video assets may throw off their marketing and advertising efforts.

It’s not uncommon for businesses within the same industry to use the same editing service. After all, the editing company has proven itself capable for one brand, so it’s likely to work for your needs too. 

At a minimum, the video creative agency you’re working with should at least have experience with your particular industry. For instance, if you’re looking for someone to edit your footage for your latest interior design video, you’ll want to partner with someone who’s done something similar in the past. 

4 - They’re Always in Pursuit of Quality

“Quality” is one of those attributes that you can’t always describe well, but can clearly identify when you see it. Any post-production company worth its salt will pair time-tested editing and animation strategies with innovative new techniques in order to produce high-quality results. While quality can be difficult to measure, you can look for it in other ways.

For instance, take a look at the creative direction of the company. If their finished projects look like everyone else’s, they’re probably utilizing a cookie-cutter approach that is hampering the potential of your video assets. You can also measure quality in how the company talks about your project. If they establish a clear set of expectations about key factors like how the video will be used and what it should convey, you can tell that they have a sound understanding of your vision for the final product.

5 - They Love What They Do

Cliche? Sure. True? Absolutely.

Ultimately, you’ll want to partner with a video editing service that takes their work just as seriously as you do. Their love for their work will be evident in little ways. It’ll be in the form of frequent updates, regular phone calls to discuss your creative vision and their experience, and the little things they do in their edits that make your video come to life. They should take a genuine interest in your project, your brand, and you as a person.

At Partners in Post, you’ll find a team of dedicated and passionate video strategists, editors, animators and managers. We offer all of the video editing services you could ever need from a post-production company, including animations, color and sound correction, and even media archiving.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!
