Post Production with Apple iMacs

Post Production Hardware Background

Dedicating our post production agency to Apple iMacs has been one of the easiest decisions we’ve had to make (as for hardware options) for video editing and animation. Partners in Post first started using iMacs in 2012, when we purchased our very first 27” machine with maxed out specs. We travelled across the states with this machine, using it as a makeshift DIT station or a portable editing bay, using the original box as a travel case. It has been a trusted workhorse every time we’ve needed it. (7 years later, we still use this machine for daily video editing and graphics work!) Now, in 2019, we have 2 iMac Pros, and another 2 iMacs, which give us enough power and collaboration options to service all of our clients and the ability to easily scale up as soon as necessary/possible. As a business owner, the path towards growth is clear: MORE IMACS!

Top 5 Reasons to choose iMacs for your edit bays

This is really a no-brainer.

  1. Reliable. The almost zero down time and no virus scares in over 7 years of daily use. This is just amazing.

  2. Powerful. While the base iMac models will not have quite enough power to meet our needs, if you max out the iMac models, they will last over 7 years, while the base model iMac Pros are powerful enough to meet most of our current needs. The top end iMac Pros will cost around $13k and should be enough for most render intensive projects, however, the Mac Pro may be a better option for heavy 3D applications.

  3. Portable. Unplug one cable and you are ready to ship your station and monitor where it needs to go.

  4. Scalable. These machines play very well together and expanding from 1 to 4 has been a breeze. We have them all connected directly to our QNAP NAS (2 via 10G Ethernet, and 2 Via Thunderbolt 3).

  5. Beautiful.

Apple has seemed to answer the call for pro-level hardware in the past few years, stepping up the specs across the board, starting with the iMac Pro which was recently released in 2018, and now The New Mac Pro which is truly a powerhouse.

While many of the freelancers and editors who we have collaborated with have started their journey’s on PC, it’s very difficult to argue with everything that makes these machines so special. We don’t see ourselves changing anytime soon and only hope that more pro features like matte screen options, better lease programs, and more cross-platform compatibility will make more people join us on the dark side.

Take a look (and listen) to this recent iMac Pro Ad, and if you want to discuss how Partners in Post can help you with your post production needs, please reach out today.

Austin Adesso