3 Inspirational Storytellers

Elliot Rausch

Last Minutes with Oden

Last Minutes with Oden is another amazing story about how our pets become apart of our families and change us for the better.

Watch this touching video and take note of all the different people and communities affected by the death of this dog/family member, and how it softened this once hardened character.

Thank You Jason Wood for allowing us this moment. Oden's struggle with cancer finally came to an end. May he rest in peace and his memory be eternal. Canon 7D Directed/Edited: Eliot Rausch Director of Photography: Luke Korver, Matt B. Taylor Song: Big Red Machine / Justin Vernon + Aaron Dessner A story from the 8 LIVES Documentary. For more of Jason Wood's story from 3 years ago see http://vimeo.com/14047489 For an interview with the Director / Editor http://vimeo.com/23510840

Canon 7D Directed/Edited: Eliot Rausch

Director of Photography: Luke Korver, Matt B. Taylor

Song: Big Red Machine / Justin Vernon + Aaron Dessner

A story from the 8 LIVES Documentary.

Elliot Rausch

For an interview with the Director / Editor

For more of Jason Wood's story from 3 years ago


Banker White

A Marriage to Remember

This incredible story, produced by Banker White with the New York Times, explores how Alzheimer’s Disease uncovers a strength in his parents marriage. Along with fantastic direction, this short documentary highlights the ways we understand our own story can influence our experience and the relationships involved.

This story does an incredible job of sharing a complex and delicate subject matter in an authentic way. We especially appreciated the b-roll transitions and editing choices which make this story so compelling.

Warning: Personally, this video may have you speechlessly looking through old photo albums, challenging the way you understand your own life story.

Professionally, this video will have you exploring the story your business shares with the world.

Produced by: Banker White and Anna Fitch

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Pulled from Artist’s online bio: “Banker White is a multi-disciplinary artist based in San Francisco. His projects have been supported by the Sundance Documentary Fund, the National Endowment for the Arts, Creative Capital, the Tribeca Film Institute, Impact Partners, LEF, Britdoc, the Catapult Film Fund, The Fledgling Fund, the California Council for Humanities and the Pacific Pioneer Fund. He is the director/producer of the documentary The Genius of Marian which is an intimate and courageous portrait of his mother Pam White's struggle with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. The film premiered at the Tribecca Film Festival and will be broadcast on PBS's award winning series POV in September 2014.Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars (POV 2007), which tells the remarkable story of a group of six Sierra Leonean musicians, was nominated by the IDA for best feature in 2006; won grand jury awards at AFI Fest, Full Frame Film Festival and Human Rights Watch Film Festival; and earned audience awards at SXSW and Miami International Film Festival. It was broadcast on POV in North America, HBO Latin America and NHK in Japan among others. Banker also founded WeOwnTV, a collaborative filmmaking and storytelling project based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Anna Fitch, daughter Dylan and son Oscar. Banker received a BA from Middlebury college in 1995 and an MFA from the California College of the Arts in 2000.”


Jan Van Ijken


Some stories have the power to challenge the way we look at the world and our place in it.

This award-winning short documentary, by Jan van Ijken from the Netherlands, is one of those experiences. So simple in concept, yet incredibly complex in execution, we are confident you have never seen anything like this mind-bending, 6-minute time-lapse of a single cell becoming a complete organism .

Watch a single cell become a complete organism in six pulsing minutes of timelapse. A film by Jan van IJken (www.janvanijken.com). More on this video: aeon.co/videos/watch-a-single-cell-become-a-complete-organism-in-six-pulsing-minutes-of-timelapse Watch more on Aeon: aeon.co/video Subscribe: vimeo.com/aeonvideo

Jan van IJken (1965) is a documentary photographer and filmmaker from the Netherlands. He is self-taught and is working mainly autonomously on long-term projects. As a photographer, he developed a strong eye for natural light, composition and detail. Lately he has become more and more interested in human/animal relationships and nature. He is developing himself as a microscopist.


Becoming has been screened at more than 20 international film festivals and received  the Award for best short documentary at the Innsbruck nature film festival 2018. You can view Jan’s other film projects here.

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