Editing Basics in 60 seconds - The J Cut


There are several video editing techniques that every professional should know to level-up their video content. One of the most common techniques you will see once you start looking (or listening) for is the J cut. The J Cut refers to the effect of hearing the audio before you see the interview associated with that audio. It ends up looking like a J, because the audio precedes the video and it is used in almost every video you will ever see. Instead of jump cuts from one interview to another, J cut acts as a glue, connecting your different shots, broll, and title cards to build one cohesive story.

Pro Tip: J and L cuts don’t need to be long.  Oftentimes making a J cut from just 4 frames is enough to create a subtle but very powerful effect of tying your story together.  You can also try just cutting in the room tone from the interview clip to help smooth out the transitions.

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The L cut is another version of this editing technique but backwards. An L cut is when the audio from the preceding clip contimes to play over the B-Roll or other video clips.