In an era where more data and media is being produced than ever before, the value of archiving your creative projects cannot be understated. Here at Partner in Post, we are committed to helping you through nearly every stage of the video production process. From creating a creative strategy to helping to edit the final product, we are here for you. Part of that commitment ensures that you have a lasting connection to your project. That's why we offer media archiving services that can help protect your creative assets for years to come.

The Critical Role Media Archiving Plays

The fact is, there are a number of ways to save your data in media today, be it on a physical hard drive, the cloud, or even jump drives. While this may suffice for day-to-day projects or routine tasks like spreadsheets, your creative media project deserves a more secure form of storage. After all, as the creative video producer, your media is your livelihood and it's important that you store it in the highest quality possible. While digital storage formats are becoming more and more reliable and larger every day, equipment failures can occur at any time and the loss of the digital asset like a video production can cripple your business.

More than just a video production company, we can help you store your media assets. By taking advantage of our backup and archive services, you'll rest easy knowing that your projects will still be available to you should your storage solutions fail or should you lose your copy of them. To ensure redundancy and security, we utilize the "3-2-1 method." This means that we make three copies of every file and store it in two different locations, including one off-site. This is a proven and effective way to carefully store and manage media archival materials.

Why You Should Archive Your Media with Us

We all have a storage system for our work, so what’s the value in storing your media with Partners in Post? As we mentioned above, how we archive your media is important. Multiple copies limit the effects of corruption, loss, or stolen files. By having the media saved in two different places, we can help to minimize the damage if one storage solution is lost or stolen, and keeping one off-site ensures the security of your media.

Additionally, archiving your media with us frees up storage space for you. That means your most current projects can stay with you, while completed or older projects can be stored safely with us, ready for when you need them next. Additionally, we can store your media in the highest quality, which makes using that material in the future all the easier.

Let Us Archive and Care for Your Media

Partners in Post is your go-to choice for all of your post production needs. In business since 2011, we recognize the value of your media assets and want to offer you the best archiving and digital storage solutions possible. Contact us today to find out more about our archiving services and how we can secure your valuable projects.