We live in an age of incredible amounts of data. We can track in near-real-time the effects of everything our businesses do on a day-to-day basis. From tracking shipments to managing employees, and even seeing how effective our ad campaigns are. But this data is only useful if you know how to interpret and analyze it. In addition to our video production services, we can also help you measure how far your video assets go in helping you with your ad campaigns and marketing services. Partners in Post has the technical and creative know-how to help you implement successful video marketing campaigns.

The Value of Video in the Internet Age

Quick, pull up an internet browser. Whether it’s your computer or your phone, you likely have a few tabs open already. Most of those tabs likely have some sort of video ready to play on them. That’s because the way people engage with content has changed. Video is a huge part of the internet, and content marketing in particular. 

It’s easier than ever to share video across multiple platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and email. Through sharing, an internet video can go “viral,” and even be featured on more traditional media like TV. When embedded into landing pages on websites, a video can increase your click-thru-rates, lower your bounce rates, and even improve your conversion rates. In instances like these, your video marketing is captivating your audience and encouraging them to share your work; in effect, doing the marketing for you. 

Measuring Your Performance

But it’s hard to measure the value of your video if you’re not actively tracking it. For those new to the digital marketing game, or just new to using videos to advertise, “performance” can be a difficult metric to measure. Fortunately, we know how to make sense of all of this data and present to you in a usable format.

We recognize that getting an ROI (return on investment) for your creative project is important business. That’s why Partners in Post takes the time to understand your business and its goals, how much a lead is worth to you, and what you consider a successful level of performance for each video. With these elements in mind, we can better analyze the data and help you find new ways to implement and share your video assets.

Get the Most Out of Your Videos

When implemented properly, and the results are analyzed thoroughly, videos can be compelling and cost-effective parts of your marketing strategies. As innovators in the digital and video marketing spheres, we have the experience and knowledge you need to help create successful video campaigns. Not sure where to get started? That’s alright, we can help!
Partners in Post has been in business since 2011, and in that time, our post production company has worked with clients both great and small to craft compelling stories. We’re excited to help your brand grow in a new and dynamic way, and help you find clever uses for your most valuable assets. Connect with us today and ask about your free video consultation.