Have you ever watched a video and the colors just felt “off?” Maybe one scene seems washed out and the next is too intense. How often have you struggled to distinguish an actor's lines from the noises around them? When the color and sound of your video is spot on, you forget it’s even there. It’s no wonder then that so many forget this crucial part of the post production process. Lucky for you, Partners in Post specializes in color and sound correction so your videos will always look and sound their best.



Creating a video can be challenging. Crafting a creative strategy, gathering resources in pre production, then actually shooting the footage during production all takes time and skill. Invariably, you’ll make mistakes along the way, and that’s OK, especially if you’re partnered with a professional post production company that can make subtle changes like correcting the sound and color.


Color correction, often called color grading, is when your post production expert enhances, alters, or subdues the colors in your footage to fix any visual issues that the video might have. By browsing all of your footage, the color correction artist changes each and every frame to ensure visual consistency.



Similarly, audio correction is the process of clarifying the sound in your video. Left unedited, most audio tracks will be filled with pops, fuzzy noises, verbal pauses, and other filler that can distract your audience from the video. Not only does the audio engineer eliminate these aural distractions, but they also help to balance all of the sound levels in the audio track, including your dialogue, sound effects, and background music.


In its raw form, most footage and audio recordings are not totally useful. Like clay in front of a sculptor, a post production specialist uses advanced techniques and powerful software to shape the final product, ensuring that the video is consistent across scenes and tracks. This makes the video more appealing to your viewers, which means it’s more likely to be shared across social media platforms.

By working with a post production company, your final product will not only look better, but you’ll save time and money too. Color and audio correction takes time, talent, and tenacity ─ things our team has in spades. Rather than struggling through the process on your own and resigning yourself to “good enough,” you can make use of our skills. We use the latest techniques and advanced editing software to ensure that your product presents itself perfectly. Plus, we work with you to ensure that the final product is optimized to meet your theatrical, broadcast, or internet specs. You’ll never have to worry about how your video looks and sounds in different formats


Don’t subject yourself or your team to the hassle of sound and color correction. Work with our post production company instead. We’ve been helping creatives present the best versions of their work since 2011. Partners in Post is committed to offering a high quality of work and forming lasting relationships with our clients. If you’re in need of color and sound correction, contact us today and ask for your free consultation.