Think about the last ad that really grabbed your attention and stayed with you. Was it a simple image with a flowery font? Probably not. More than likely, it was a video that made use of engaging and creative animated elements. Whether your business realizes it or not, but animated videos are an integral part of your brand and your success. At Partners in Post, we offer the animated video production services your business needs to help your next ad campaign stand out.



Looking for an immediate way to capture the attention of your audience? An animated video is the best way to do it. As advertising and digital marketing, in particular, shifts one of the fastest ways to engage a customer and keep their attention is to offer them short, informative videos. That’s because more and more consumers are choosing to engage with videos rather than reading. While written content has its place, video is increasingly being used as a way to generate leads. Video’s success can be attributed in part to its sharable nature. Your animated video doesn’t have to just stay on your Vimeo or YouTube page. It can be embedded into web pages, shared on social media, or used as an ad in and of itself. Consumers then share the videos they like, essentially doing your marketing for you.


So the value of an animated video is apparent, but how do you make them? If you want to do it in-house, you’ll have to hire a team of skilled animators, set up the right equipment and systems they need, and allocate resources towards these projects. This isn’t always a viable option for your business, especially if you need to dedicate your resources to more than just videos. That’s why working with an animated video production company like ours can help you reduce your overhead while still getting the quality products you need for your next marketing campaign. We use our industry experience, the latest technology, and your input to create animated videos that best express the mission and message of your brand. From one-off projects, to complex and sprawling video journeys, our animated video production team can help you with everything you need.


Have a specific project in mind, or simply don’t know where to begin? We’ve got you covered. We can start from the ground up by developing a creative strategy and then building out the video content you need. Or, we can use your storyboards and create your animation from that. We’ve produced animations for films, broadcast, and digital communications and signage. Using 2D and 3D animation, motion-graphics, and visual elements, we can craft engaging and unique animated videos for your business.


When you work with Partners in Post, we start by getting to know you and your brand. From there, we begin working on the creative products that help your brand stand out. Curious as to how animated video production can help your business? Want to find out more about our work? Then it’s time to connect! We offer a free consultation for all of our work.